
About Black Genius University

Black Genius University came from the deep need for wholistic, culturally accurate education for Black youth, especially at the height of the Double Epidemic: COVID and Systemic Anti-Black Racism. In it’s earlier iteration, BGU was known as The Digital Homeschool for Future World Leaders, which was founded by Lolade Siyonbola and her 11-yr-old daughter along with three other families during the global pandemic and lockdown in March 2020. Lolade wanted to provide a space for her daughter and other Black girl geniuses born to enlightened mothers to commune and to activate their genius beyond a basic Western curriculum.

As a computer scientist, visual and literary artist, entrepreneur, and community-builder with over a decade of experience running educational programming, Lolade recognizes the need for individualized interdisciplinary education that is tailored to Black youth and that is visionary, fun and transformative.

At this critical juncture in our world’s history, it is urgent that our children master the life skills that will set them up for enduring success that is independent of any economy and any government: financial literacy, creative expression, coding and algorithm design, nutrition/traditional healing, storytelling and so many more skills. We are intentional about intersecting art, spirituality, technology, history and other core subjects from teachings that center ancient and contemporary Black thought, and Black contributions to these disciplines.

Our global community of Black Geniuses, our interdisciplinary approach to education and our Liberationist agenda distinguish us from all other platforms currently providing educational opportunities for Black children. Pulling on the NOIR Labs network global changemakers and distinguished leaders, BGU students learn from and are mentored by practitioners as well as recent graduates and college students with access to infinite educational resources. Our instructors and guest speakers come from diverse backgrounds across the Black Diaspora, and from the best schools in the world. They are passionate about liberating the minds and imaginations of our children.

Our students do not only absorb information, they teach their peers and subordinates, and actively contribute to the human-centered design of our curriculum and programming.

To have your child join this community of future global leaders, please go here to learn more about BGU and to submit their information. We are currently serving students between the ages of 10 and 15. We will soon invite older and younger age groups to join.

To join us as a teacher, mentor or guest lecturer, please complete this form. To make a tax-deductible donation to support this platform, go here.